The splinter group finally arrived back at site, dressed like a real bunch of sex bombs!!  Turns out they had taken cover in a local charity shop and raided the stock to keep dry and glam themselves up, but apparently that’s not unusual in Wales!!  

With everyone dried out from the ride it was time for the first of the night’s main attractions, first up was the comedy boxing?!  Don’t ask how this came about but it proved to be one of the funniest and most entertaining things I’ve witnessed at a chopper show, drunk grown men donning oversized boxing gloves and doing shots in between rounds got the crowd filling the main barn.  Don’t ask who fought who or why, it was purely for fun, with the final match ending up more like a wrestling royal rumble with all the fighters ganging up on the ref and the rest of the Welsh boys it made the night, and once the bell rang it was back to being everyone’s best mate with hugs all round!!  

The prize giving followed soon after with Vincent Summer’s 1949 FL Panhead getting both best in show and LeBeef’s choice awards, Joel Peet’s sweet Shovelhead chop bagged the Fuck The Haters choice award and Ian Davies took home the Maven Industries choice award with his Shovel chop.

The night was finished off by a sonic performance by the Picture Books and a giant burnout by James Bull which almost ran the risk of burning down the house!  This was probably followed by more top tunes by Myia and more dancing till the early hours, but to honest my memory is a little fuzzy once it got past midnight!!

Over all it was another excellent weekend had by all.  Big thanks goes out to James for putting such a great event again, and if you’re into your old traditional choppers you need help yourself and check out The Hook Up next year, although your mama will probably tell you not to come!



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